Thread: Torn ear
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Old 06-11-2018, 01:33 AM  
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Default Re: Torn ear

Originally Posted by sharonc View Post
Thank you, I will share when I finally get one. I have contacted some breeders which are 2 - 3 hours drive, if I have any luck do you think that is too long a journey for the new hamster will it be stressed?
I just wanted to add a bit of reassurance to this point.

I have found that the hamsters I've got from other breeders (or have bred myself) have travelled very well. All of my show team travel 1-2 hour journeys for shows and several have travelled for longer than that. Alexander for example did an 8 hour journey via train and then car when he was 8 weeks old to a show (it wasn't meant to take that long but traffic led to delays) and Charlotte did a three hour journey when I brought her home from her breeder and I find that they just go to sleep.

I think the key is to make sure that you've got a suitable carrier for them and you've got everything they need to be comfortable in there. Sometimes mine travel in show pens which have specific rules about how they're set out but if I'm using a standard carrier then I'll usually put a cardboard box in the carrier for them to make a nest in plus plenty of substrate, a dog biscuit and a chunk of cucumber. If I'm travelling by public transport then I'll usually put the carrier in a canvas bag to prevent onlookers disturbing them.

Good luck with finding a breeder. There may also be the option of visiting a hamster show to see what is available on the sales table from other breeders too. There is a list of shows here: List of NHC Shows 2018
Remembering The Metallica Hamsters
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