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Old 06-08-2018, 04:46 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 7
Default Re: I'm not sure if my hamster is happy

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Those are very nice bin cages How often do you clean him out? That is something that makes hamsters very unhappy, unsettled and stressed if they are cleaned out a lot. It isn't necessary to do clean outs every week or to do full cleans. Sorry if you already know this. If you have a bit more substrate you could just spot clean mainly - I only do a substrate change about every 2 months. Also try and put a bit of the old non smelly substrate back when you do this - sprinkle some on top or mix it into the new - so it still smells familiar. Clean the wheel a different week and any toys a different week again - that way something always smells familiar and their scent trails don't get disturbed too often. They may use a sand bath as a toilet as well which helps keep the cage clean.

How big is each bin? I was just wondering that if they are both a good size, he may be happier with just one space instead of two separate spaces connected by a tube. They generally do better with one larger space with their basic needs in - eg house, wheel, food bowl, water bottle and toys - rather than having things separated in two separate areas.

As Cypher said you could fill up the floor space a bit - maybe have one end with deeper substrate, egg boxes or tissue boxes as hides etc. Does he have a house that's big enough and nice and dark inside? They need somewhere dark to retreat to. You could also try scatter feeding as well as putting food in the food bowl. So maybe half as much as usual in the food bowl and scatter feed the rest - they enjoy foraging for and finding the bits of food.

What kind of cage was he in before? It may be he is not keen on top entrance with a hand coming in. So when getting him out maybe you could put a mug or jug in with a treat for him to climb into and lift him out that way.

He may nip or bite if a) he is in pain b) he's just woken up! c) you put your hand inside his house d) you smell of food!

I assume the cage is on the floor when you said it got knocked? Maybe he is unsettled at the position of it? If it's easily knocked then maybe think about having it somewhere else - eg on top of a cupboard or something?

Could you get a flying saucer as well as a wheel? I added one for our Robo and he loves it!
Hello! Thanks for the response also to you.

We used to clean his cage every 2 weeks, but as you said, there is very little substrate. Today I will put all the substrate I have and order more.
I never cleaned the toys, it's not something I have thought about. I will start doing it also. What's hardest for me is to spot where he does his necessities, I'm not able to spot it very well.

Indeed, He has a sand bath! it's an alluminium bowl full of silica sand, 2 days ago it was the first time I put it in the cage. Im not sure if he understands what it is for, I have heard him at night play a little bit on there but I don't know if he just scratches it or if he does anything else with it.

The blue igloo he has is his favourite spot. No matter what I do to the cage, he always builds his nests under that. He never uses any other place to hide, he just loves the igloo and I'm not sure if I should remove it because it's his comfort place, but he never uses anything else I put in the cage.

About the scatter feeding, its a nice idea and i thought about it, but i was afraid of some food rotting there if he never eats it, and it could harm the hamster, so I mostly put his food on a mini pellet i built myself.

Maybe my idea of 2 cage bins separated by a tube was a bad idea? I thought it would be nice for him to have a tube and emulate what would be a real hamster nest. I put the food in one place, and the weel/water/nest in the other bin, so he goes to the other place to roam and get the food.

Sadly I do not have an elevated place to put the hamster, my house is tiny and I can only have the hamster in the floor Im starting to think im a bad owner.

He only bites if you feed hand him. He takes the food from your hand, but he keeps biting the finger tips, even if you put the palm resting, he takes the food but then he goes biting.

Outside of home, he always wants to explore, but I cannot let it go as he could get stuck between the cupboard and the wall and I could not rescue it.

When I take it out, I do that, I use an old wheel and he goes up, and I lift him. Then he goes to my hand without much issue, but a lot of nerviousism.

May I ask how can I change his routine? I want him to explore and I want to try that every day is different for him, but he never uses any of the toys my girlfriend craft.

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
I wouldn't use a ball, I do think they're dangerous particularly for dwarf hamsters & don't really offer any benefit at all, far better to buy or make a play pen for him to have some out of cage time.
Some of the metal playpens you can buy are ok for dwarfs or you can make one out of storage cubes if you can get those, thread on that here.
Stylish playpen
You could probably make a temporary one from cardboard as long as you're with him & watching out for chewing or escapes while he's in it!
Put what toys you can in the play pen, even his wheel, just things for him to explore & enjoy while you interact with him.

I was also wondering & forgot to ask if the cage is on the floor, that can be very unsettling for them & it is better to have them higher up so it's easier to approach the cage without startling them & they don't get all the vibrations from the floor either.
Yes, the cage is in the floor, I do not have space at home to have it lifted. I can try though and clear a full table for him. Would it be a huge difference for him?

Also the play pen looks awesome. I'm from spain im not sure if im able to get something similar though. I always thought of doing a play pen and do a laberynth inside. Do you think he would enjoy it?

Also, lately when he is out and I approach him and talk him, he goes hiding of fear. He never did that before, but lately since i hit without wanting his cage he does it repeatedly... It makes me really sad since it was just a minor thing but he cannot let go. He used to be comfortable hearing my voice but now not anymore.

We changed homes, he was living in my girlfriends home, but there was a dog barking 24/7, so we moved the hamster to my home. It was not a good environment for him.
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