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Old 06-07-2018, 04:29 AM  
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: Do you think my hamster's cage is too cluttered?

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
I don't think your hamsters cage is cluttered at all, in fact it looks quite empty to me!
That style of cage can be quite dangerous for a tiny ham due to the risk of falling from high shelves, without much substrate in the base your ham could suffer an injury from falling.
It's not the ideal type of cage as hamsters do better with just one large area rather than levels like this but you could make the most of the cage you have if you don't want to buy another by completely filling the bottom section with substrate right up to that first level then lowering the upper level if possible to avoid any falls.
Your hamsters house should be on the layer of substrate (no base to the house) so your ham can dig & make a nest underneath.
You could then add more toys, you don't have a lot of space but you could use things like toilet roll tubes & egg boxes (cardboard ones only) for hides & places to explore.
I would find a box or dish that is a little deeper than the tray you have at the moment to make your ham a really nice sand bath, they love to dig & roll in the sand so it needs to be deeper than that.
If you can get a whimzee dog chew for your ham that would be enjoyed more than just the sticks you have now.
Hope that helps.
Thank you for answering!
Unfortunately I can't lower the first wooden platform, as it's bigger than the glass tank and it has to sit on top of it, and so if I were to fill completely the bottom section the bedding would go everywhere everytime Miller would decide to dig (he likes to completely hide his wooden house's entrance in bedding)!

I don't know if it's because I'm using corn cob as bedding (I didn't know better when I bought it), but he seems to like digging, but he doesn't nearly burrow at all (I make sure to give him some shred toilet paper every once in a while, so he can stuff his nests).

About the bathing sand, do you think it would be better if I were to use the bendy bridge in a corner of the cage sidewise and use it as a separator, filling the corner with the sand?
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