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Old 06-02-2018, 04:29 PM  
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: SKB’s Photography

Aww, the fawn nestled in the grass is a wonderful surprise! I really do love deer and always am trying to keep watch for any sightings of them around where I live, but I have sadly only seen a few of them in the woods while driving. Although I am glad to get a glimpse of them, but then worry that they may be hit by a passing car.

I'm glad that your strawberries are beginning to turn red now. I'm sure that you and Pumpkin will thoroughly enjoy them soon enough. Eros and I will probably be enjoying a few ourselves later this week, too. Yum!!!!

Oops, I am so sorry for the typo on your birthday well wishes. Happy Birthday on the 14th, SKB!!! May it be truly amazing and special. I'm sure that your family and Pumpkin will give you a well-deserved spoiling, lol.

I totally love your wildlife pond. It is absolutely gorgeous and I love that you are waiting to see who arrives and calls it home. That is so sweet; I hope you have lots and lots of wildlife coming to your delightful sanctuary. I am really excited for you and look forward to hearing all about them. I also love the adorable elephant fountain; in Thailand, an elephant with their trunk up like symbolizes good luck (especially if that elephant happens to be a rare white one). In fact, one of the Thai kings gave President Abraham Lincoln one during the American Civil War in order to wish him luck in preserving the nation and winning the war, ending slavery. I hope that your elephant gives you infinite luck as well. Thanks for sharing your list of flower bed and pond plants with us; it looks like you certainly have a wide variety of lovely ones. They look so beautiful and will become even more amazing when some of them start to fully bloom. Aww, I love all of your Great Pond Snails and Ramshorn Snails, too. They are so cute, and it so sweet that some of them decided to come and greet you when they came up for some air, lol. That must have made you smile. Do you have names for these five cuties? Oh my, I also adore Sloe; great name, too. I love that he/she posed for the camera, too, lol. All of these pictures are absolutely amazing and very detailed. I definitely don't have a favorite one this time because they are all equally great.

Have fun with your other commitments, SKB! I will look forward to seeing you around the forum when you get back. Take care, give a cuddle to Pumpkin for me, and have an AWESOME birthday on the 14th!!!! Hugs!!!

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.
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