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Old 06-02-2018, 03:50 PM  
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Default Re: SKB’s Photography

Thank you dreamtree1234, cypher, Thin Lizzy and BorisPasha. It was so lovely seeing the caterpillar last week during my volunteering - it was so beautiful I was lucky enough to see another Drinker moth caterpillar this week alongside a baby fawn curled up in the tall grass waiting for it mum to return. I love how my wildlife pond has turned out and I have been really enjoying observing the wildlife which are using it. The strawberries are starting to change colour now so wont be too long before Pumpkin and myself are enjoying some.

Originally Posted by dreamtree1234 View Post
Happy early birthday on the 18th of June, SKB; I'm sure that I will be wishing you the happiest of days then, but I feel you can never receive too many well wishes even if a few are early, lol.
Thank You for you early birthday wish although my birthday is on the 14th.

Originally Posted by BorisPasha View Post
Do you think you get any fish for your pond or are you just going to sit back and see what appears naturally? I'm looking forward to hearing about your pond visitors
No, I am not getting any fish for my pond and I am just going to wait to see what wildlife decide to call the pond home. Also the reason against getting fish is that I would be worried about cats and wild birds who might of decided fish would be a tasty snack. Instead of getting fish I decided to get pond snails instead.


Wildlife Pond and Snails!

My Wildlife pond is now complete and I am very pleased with the outcome of my hard work and my parents buying all the supplies as an early birthday present to set up my pond. Last Sunday, I dug a flowerbed around the front of the pond for some more flowers - all the flowers plants in the flowerbed I have grown from seed and have nurtured until they were ready to be planted out. Also last weekend I installed my water feature which is an elephant - I absolutely love it and I think it really cute. This Saturday I went to my local garden centre to buy the aquatic plants I had wanted as well as 5 Pond Snails! I absolutely love my wildlife pond and I'm very intrigued to see what might decide to call it home!

Here is a photo of my finished wildlife pond. (dreamtree, I have include a list of all the plant I have planted)...

Some close up photos of my Elephant water feature ...

Meet my Pond Snails who inhabit my pond - I have 3 Great Pond Snails and 2 Ramhorns Snails - I think they are beautiful. I didn't think I would see much of them but actually I have seen lots of them since they have moved in - they have been coming up to the surface to breathe and have been exploring all around the edge of the pond just beneath the water surface. Here are photos of two of my 5 snails - as the other disappeared off to explore before I could take photos. I just love my pond snails!

As well as my Pond Snails I have also have another snail who decided to visit my wildlife pond/garden - it was having fun climbing over the cobblestones and having a water side stroll around the edge of the pond. I did decide to move the snail to somewhere else in my garden as my plant had only just been planted out the day before so I didn't want anything deciding to take too much of a munch on them. I named this adorable snail Sloe. Sloe also decided to pose for the camera after moving him/her to another safe haven in my garden!


I just thought I would quickly mention that I wont be able to be on HC as much as I would like over the next few weeks/months due to lots of other commitments which will mean I am going to be really busy and I might not have sufficient free time to spend replying to post. However this doesn't mean that I wont be reading through the forum on a daily basis but it might mean I will be unable to post replies like I would usually. If I find that I have sufficient free time available I will certainly come on HC and reply to threads and update you on Pumpkin's naughtiness but I cant guarantee it at this moment in time. I just thought I would let you know in advance.
Popcorn Syrian

Owning Hamsters since Nov 2007
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