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Old 05-31-2018, 07:44 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: UK
Posts: 128
Default A little bit about Bella

Hello everybody!
So i just recently posted an update on my dwarf hamsters, Flan and Maduros, but I then realised that i have not said anything about you all to Bella, my syrian.

So as mentioned, Bella is my syrian hamster who i got on Friday 13th April of this year. I got her after my beloved hamster, Blossom, passed away on the 5th of April and i was really struggling to cope so i thought that by getting another hamster, my pain might heal a little more and boy am i glad i did!

Bella is the most timid hamster I have met in my whole life. When I walk up to her cage and she does not realise it is me, she flips onto her back and plays dead in fear (however as soon as i approach her a bit more and she realises she is familiar with my scent, she comes and says hello). Now considering she is has been in my care for just over a month and i feed her just 1 tablespoon of mix a day (which she does not eat all of) she is quite the chunker! I reckon she will be a huge hamster when she meets adulthood.She has the most beautiful face and once she trusts you, she is a very loving and somewhat loyal hamster. Like Blossom, she absolutely loves exploring and is constantly running all over the place.

Now i have a question which i would appreciate if you answered in a post below: Is it normal that after all this time, i still cry over Blossom's death?

I hope you enjoyed reading my post on Bella and that you now know a little more about my gorgeous hams

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