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Old 05-27-2018, 02:08 PM  
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: What's up with my hamster?

I'm sorry that Kit is being more skittish now. I wouldn't take this to heart, though. Each hamster has a very unique personality. Although the treatment may be exactly the same for both, Kit (like some other hammies) may need just a bit more time than others to fully settle in and gain the confidence needed to interact with you Both Kit and Casper have gone through many changes in such a short period of time, so I would just give Kit the space and time she needs to become braver and more trusting. While you are waiting, I would continue to speak calmly and quietly to her even if she isn't visible at the time, use the tissue trick so she can get familiar with your scent, and give her a special treat after you are done talking even if she isn't willing to take it directly from your hand (this will make her associate you, your voice, and your scent with good things like her favorite yummies). When you do physically interacting with her, you can also rub your hand in her substrate so you will be even more familiar to her, and see if she will come to your palm of your hand lying flat on the substrate for a treat that way. If not, give her a treat and take your hand out of the cage. If she still doesn't seem receptive to your hand after a few days of trying or she seems very willing to play with you, I would try placing a container in her cage and using it as an inescapable transport to a hammy-safe playpen or tub with drain covered with a towel. Place lots of toys and treats in there with her and you and see if she will crawl on you. If all is going well, you can start cupping your hand and slowly scoop her up if she is accepting treats from your hand. Keep the height extremely low and the time span very short. Gradually, build up the time and increase the height slightly, being careful that she doesn't jump down but having something extra soft just in case. Keep all taming periods extremely short but be very consistent with them. Gradually increase the interval of time and go to the next step when your hamster indicates that she is ready to do so. Remember, taming is a process and sometimes you will go one step forward and two steps back. If this happens, don't become disheartened or worried; this backwards in progress happens sometimes. Eventually, with love, patience, consistency, and time, your bond of trust will thrive. Just keep as optimistic as possible because hammies, like all animals, can sense when you are feeling discouraged or worried. This may cause them to feel the pressure and become even more fearful and/or less willing to interact. Good luck and have fun with both Kit and Casper. They are both wonderful and special.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.

Last edited by dreamtree1234; 05-27-2018 at 02:18 PM.
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