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Old 05-27-2018, 04:25 AM  
The Cuddler of Cuteness
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Default Re: SKB’s Photography

Wow, that caterpillar is gorgeous and really large! I have never seen any caterpillar like that around here so I decided to find out where they reside, and they only live in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland - no wonder I haven't seen any, lol. Great pics of it, too!!! I am also extremely excited about your early birthday present from your parents; that is very sweet, and I'm sure you will have tons of fun with it. Your wildlife pond looks great, and I look forward to when it is complete and all of beautiful wildlife make it their lovely home. It is so wonderful that you are making this sanctuary for them, and I'm sure it will bring you years of happiness to see it thriving and so full of life. What plants are you planning on planting around it? I also love all of your flower photos. They are absolutely gorgeous. The red poppy is so vibrant, and the white and purple one is lovely (purple and white are my two favorite colors with purple being number one). The strawberry - YUM!!!!! I know that you are probably anxiously awaiting for that one to turn nice and red so it will be ripe enough to eat. The osteospermums are so pretty; they are such a happy flower and make me smile. I love all of their variations in color, but my favorite one is the purple and white one - big surprise, right? Happy early birthday on the 18th of June, SKB; I'm sure that I will be wishing you the happiest of days then, but I feel you can never receive too many well wishes even if a few are early, lol.

"...she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the dreamtree." ~Stephen Cosgrove
Mum to Duchess. Fur Angels Eros007, Arwen, Hinata & Snickers 4Ever.
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