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Old 04-10-2018, 01:14 PM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 369
Default Secret gym boy...?

So Edison has had an appropriate 28cm trixie wheel since he came to live with us but has almost never used it in our presence.

His vivarium is in the living room so I don't wake up to the pitter patter of him running.

I had wondered whether he ran the typical hamster mileage at all but was reluctant to fit a bicycle computer through fear he would pouch the necessary magnet and get sick.

Over the past few weeks, non-Edison related things have had me awake at 2am ish numerous times. Whenever I've gone through the living room at this time he's sat in his wheel, looking guilty but not running...

He won't run in the presence of his humans. He's started to beef out(he had been getting chubby, but now he feels muscly). I am curious if any other hams exercise in secret... It's like those people who go to the gym at 3am so no one sees them. (fyi, I am aware hamsters are nocturnal, but he comes out early evening but doesn't run, even with encouragement).
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