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Old 04-02-2018, 07:18 AM  
actual junk
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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Posts: 55
Default Substrate Nightmare

Hi all,

I have a long haired syrian and for the last year I have kept him on fitch bedding [which he has thoroughly enjoyed, he loves a good dig], however I have recently had a problem with little moths trying to make home in the bedding. I have emptied out his entire cage to be rid of them (only to find I did not have enough replacement bedding) and so have had to make an emergency trip out to the pet shop. I managed to find some care fresh, and a bag of beechwood chips [I know they don't have the harmful phenols but after coming home to double check it was safe I'm finding conflicting information, should I take the wood chips out?] I wanted to try wood chips because I figured they wouldn't attract the moths but now I don't know if that was a bad idea and I should recycle the beechwood elsewhere and go for something different. I just don't know! I certainly don't want to put my hamster in any kind of discomfort, so advice would be much appreciated, having a bit of a panicked meltdown over doing the wrong thing.

The wood chips are currently on one side of the cage the other has a mound of paper based substrate for nesting and digging. If I need to take out the beech chips and substitute with something else I don't want to go for any substrate that is going to get too ridiculously tangled in his fur as he has quite a flamboyant skirt, and I don't have anything other than torn up tissue immediately on hand

Many thanks,
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