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Old 03-29-2018, 03:16 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Allergic to my roborovski Poppy?..

I'm also really sorry to hear this. I'm asthmatic and allergic to all kinds of things - including hemp bedding and most animals. So it was wonderful to find hamsters are the only pet I haven't been allergic to. It is possibly you're allergic to hamsters (or a certain species) but very uncommon. I also wouldn't rule out the bedding yet - the hemp drove me bonkers, just the smell of it. And Carefresh is very dusty.

One thing I do know is that you can be allergic to a lot of things and be absolutely fine. But if you have one big allergy and are exposed to it - you suddenly can get much more sensitive to all your smaller ones that don't bother you.

As you've been getting allergy problems to a number of things this last year, it can be hard to pin these things down and you could really do to ask your Doctor to refer you to an allergy specialist for testing. If you can find your "big" allergy and avoid it, the others shouldn't bother you too much.

I'm not sure how old you are but did anything happen around the time you first started getting allergy symptoms? Any other illness, or an operation etc/

I can see you're really upset that it might be Poppy (and don't know). Maybe if your Doctor gives you some allergy medication for now while waiting for a referral - your symptoms will improve and you can gradually work out whether it is Poppy or something else without being so badly affected.

I completely understand as I had to give away my dog due to severe allergy and it was heartbreaking.
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