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Old 03-27-2018, 06:45 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1
Default Does Your Hamster Freak Out When You Spot Clean?

Hi Everyone:

My husband and I just got our first hamster over the weekend and are open to any suggestions. Her name is Clementine, about 5 weeks old, and she is a Syrian hamster.

On Saturday and Sunday, she seemed to be at peace and happy in her dwelling, which we built for her. However, yesterday afternoon, while she was sleeping, we decided to spot clean and re-position some of her toys, just for variety so she doesn't get bored. Later that evening, when she woke up, I think she sensed that someone was in her cage, as she freaked out and was running around, very antsy, and didn't even want to run on her wheel. She ran back into her hideout area, as if she was scared. Then, about 10 minutes later, she came back out and was back to her usual, peaceful, docile self, and carried on with her usual routine.

Anyways, any suggestions on how we could spot clean her cage without frightening her? The last thing we want is to stress her out all the time.

Thanks again, everyone.
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