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Old 03-23-2018, 04:54 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Bristol, England
Posts: 1
Question Need Advice Moving Hammy from UK to USA

Hi there!

I'm new here to posting on the forums but I've been reading them since my fiance and I decided to get our Syrian in November of last year. We haven't had her long but she has completely melted our hearts. Her name is Ginger and she is the first hamster either of us have had. (I desperately wanted one as a child but my mom knew she would end up doing the maintenance so I had to wait. )
Anyway, I'm American and my fiance is British and we have decided to move back to the US to live. We can't even imagine leaving here without taking Gingy but we're having trouble figuring out how. I've done some research but it's hard to find immigration info from airlines and other resources that isn't just about dogs, cats, or birds.
I would really like to hear some personal stories from other hammy owners! Have you ever flown with your ham internationally either on your own or through a certified service?
Any advice or personal experience is greatly appreciated!
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