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Old 03-20-2018, 12:09 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 22
Default First time hamster owner!

Hello everyone

As the title says i'm soon to be a first time hamster owner, and i have a few questions i hope someone will take the time to answer.

I've been thinking about getting a hamster for a long time, and i have now finally decided to get one At first i wanted to get a Syrian, because i read that they are easier to tame and all round better for new owners, but i went to the pet shop yesterday and completly fell in love with what i assume is a campbell dwarf hamster, or a hybrid (norwegian pet shops just name them as dwarfs, nothing else). She seemed very calm and gentle, and i wasn't able to stop thinking about her, so after thinking about it all day yesterday and all night i decided that i will get her <3

And now for my questions. First, i've been able to get a hold of a fish tank that measures 200 * 60 * 60 cm, and i've found a variety of safe toys and wheels. I want her to have as much space as i could possibly give her, so i'm wondering, is the size of my tank enough?

Question number two: I know that most hamsters like to dig alot and make tunnels, and i know what types of cage bedding to avoid that could be harmful. But do dwarfs have a preffered cage bedding to dig in? I want to be able to give her a few different textures, as i imagine that it will be nice for her to have some variety, so do you have any recommendations? I've also seen that some people have an area with rocks in their tanks, are there any types or sizes that are better than others?

And question number three: I know that hybrids are prone to diabetes, and i want to make sure i don't feed her anything that will make her sick. Is there a list of safe treats for hybrids? I've found some on google, but there is a lot of fruit listed on them, and since fruits are high in sugar i don't feel like i can trust it. I want to be able to give her som delicious treats every now and then, and during the taming proccess, but i of course want to make absolutely sure that i'm not harming her in any way.

I hope someone has time to answer me <3

EDIT: I read the sticky post about diabetic hamsters, and i have a clearer picture of what treats i can feed her to avoid getting her sick

Last edited by Juls; 03-20-2018 at 03:01 AM.
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