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Old 03-15-2018, 06:12 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 5
Default Robo-Good food? U.s. Recommendations?

I want to get a robo, and am having a hard time finding a food/blend with 22% protein, for a young robo. My plan rn is ~47% sunseed vita prima dwarf hamster mix, ~47% mazuri rat and mouse blocks, and ~6% mealworms, giving a GA of 20.14% protein, 5.74% fat, and 8.733% fiber.

Heres a link:


Sunseed vita prima:


Is this good enough for a young robo? If not, plz recommend some that I can get in the U.S.

I know about Higgins Sunburst and Mazuri blend. My problem with that mix is the low fiber, (less than 7%) and low protein (18%). And adding Purebites will lower that fiber even more, and then adding hay or oxbow will lower the variety and protein.

If anyone has any solutions, plz let me know! Thank you very much for reading!
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