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Old 03-10-2018, 06:15 AM  
Newborn Pup
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Vietnam
Posts: 4
Unhappy Re: Worried about my hamsters.

My hamster died today... i found it in its home.
After the day i posted this i saw the poop seemed normal again and there was no more poop on the wheel, I saw the hamster eating and drinking again, so I thought it was fine. A few days ago i cleaned the cage and saw the two hamsters running around playing with toys like they always do. Then yesterday the same hamster i thought was sick was walking tiredly again (walking then falling asleep) , and it suddenly looked skinnier than before, i tried to put food near to it but it would not eat it. This morning when i checked on it, it was dead inside its house.
Iīm going to post some pictures of itīs body and the food, cage, and some products iīm using because i donīt know why it died and iīm worried about my other hamster. The pictures include: My dead hamster when i found it this morning, itīs food, the two boxes are marshmallow treats (one has ingredients on it, the smaller box has no description, the store owner gave these to me), chew toy, the sand for the sand bath, and pictures of my cage.

Does the hamster look like it suffered from any sickness? And is there anything wrong with my cage and supplies? My other hamster still looks healthy (itīs still eating playing and drinking, although it seems a little less energetic today).
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