Thread: How high ?
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Old 03-17-2005, 04:28 PM  
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Default Height of enclosure

As you are going to be housing young Winter White Russian Dwarf hamsters in these tanks you should not find them "jumping" out very easily. If you are worried about them climbing out you should ensure there is a good gap - at least two hamster stretched out lengths worth (approximately 5 - 6 inches) - bare at the top, and for extra security maybe place a thin sheet which will allow air to penetrate over the top - make sure it is taut so they cannot get hold of it and pull themselves out!. Longer-term you need to get down to your local hardware store and by some small gauge wire mesh to form a tank topper with - a lot cheaper and easier than buying one ready-made and you will be able to make it size specific for your particular tanks.

Roborovski Dwarf hamsters incidently have relative to body size slightly longer legs than other dwarf hamsters making them very nimble. Not only can they run fast but they can also jump – up to 2 feet in height.

A solid surface wheel and a sand bath are the two most essential items in the enclosure after a water bottle. All Emma's idea items should be easy to find lying around the house already, so are completely free!
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