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Old 02-05-2018, 10:06 AM  
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Default re: Doing an Assignment - Breeding Roborovskis

It depends on the age of the pups. From around 2 weeks or so they are more or less able to feed and toilet themselves. Younger pups need stimulation to eliminate. Normally you would use a damp cotton ball to flick around the two vents till the pup urinates and passes feaces. It should imitate a mother licking the young and needs done after every feed. The pups need cleaned as well. It is extremely difficult to hand rear young small mammals. The younger they are the harder it becomes. Their greatest need is for warmth as young animals cannot maintain their body temperature and chill easily however the heat must be the correct level and steady like it would be snuggled in to their mother. They need feeding at least every 2hrs and 24hrs a day at first. Young animal substitute milks are things like Lactol. It needs thinkened with something like baby rice. Hamster milk is quite rich and thick.
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