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Old 01-26-2018, 06:02 PM  
Roborovski Sandwich
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2
Question Can I re-bond roborovski brothers

Last year I adopted three "female" roborovskis which turned out to be two male and a female. One of the males and the female lived together (as they were supposed to be two females) and gave birth to a litter of babies. A few weeks later the female passed away, leaving the father looking after the babies. The babies were amazingly all boys so they stayed with their father and got along beautifully. Sadly, recently I had to move one of them into a separate cage due to an infection. He recovered very well as I expected him to pass away overnight! I was wondering if I could re-bond him with his brothers and father as they all got along so well and it was heartbreaking having to separate him. If I put him back in the tank with the others would they fight? Also I have the other male (from the original 3) Do you think he would get along with the others if I tried to bond them?
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