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Old 11-21-2017, 09:51 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: An Unhappy Hamster

It sounds like she is just a chewer. Very frustrating that she is chewing the bars on the detolf. It sounds like she needs to be in a glass tank really. What you could do, if you don't mind the diy - is take the bars out of the detolf. It means siliconing the glass panels together at the edges to make a tank.

I don't think it means she is unhappy necessarily, just that she is now in a bar chewing habit. CMB's idea of an extra wheel is a good one.

Is there anything else that could be making her stressed or wanting to escape? I know cage cleans can cause this kind of thing if done weekly. Do you do weekly cage cleans? If they have enough substrate, you can just spot clean really for up to 3 months or even longer, before needing to do a substrate change. Even then I only replace half the substrate and put the botttom/clean half back and mix it in so it still smells familiar. Also don't clean everything at the same time. Substrate one week, wheel another week, toys another week. Toys tend not to need much cleaning.

If you use a litter tray and she uses it that also means the cage doesn't need cleaning often - you just empty the litter tray.

Keep giving her lots of substrate. Maybe add lots of things like cardboard egg boxes that she can chew to bits.

The Eco habitat and detolf are lovely big cages, but is there a lot of open space? They need some kind of overhead cover as well so they don't feel too exposed - eg a large platform and plenty of hidy places and tunnels. I like the large cork log tunnels as they make an interesting texture and can be used for climbing and as a hide, or a ramp up to a platform.

One member on here wrapped sisal string/rope round the detolf bars - which at least slows them up and protects their teeth - that might be worth a try - it might put her off.
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