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Old 11-13-2017, 10:48 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Old little man symptoms - advice needed

Hello again. So here is an update.
He seemed to settle okay when I went to bed last night. I left him some food & water and he got into his bed. When I got up this morning, he got up too and seemed better than yesterday. He had his eyes open too. I offered him a piece of cucumber which he took and ate, and I checked and he had drank some water from his bottle. He then started crafting his bed from his tissue, something which he’d never have been able to attempt how poorly he was yesterday. I was so relieved but still a little unsure. I asked a relative to call in and check on him while I was at work, and he was sleeping in a much more calm way than the jerking of yesterday.

So now I’m back from work, I can see that he’s drank some more and taken food from his dish, and the other piece of cucumber that I left him, and he has popped his head out of his bed to say hello.

I’m ever so confused!! Obviously I’m not going to take him to the vet tonight now, and I don’t want him to be put to sleep if he’s showing improvement, but I know I will have to monitor the situation daily as it could happen again.

I actually said my goodbyes to him last night, and told him that if he was ready to go I wouldn’t let him suffer. I fully expected him to be gone by this morning - I certainly didn’t expect improvement!

Do you think this is something that could happen? That he might recover again.
He’s certainly a fighter I’ll say that for him!

I’m not sure I can take the emotional rollercoaster though! Xx
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