Thread: Options???
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Old 11-10-2017, 12:03 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Options???

So I've had my Pickles for almost 11 months now, and I have tried almost everything but she always seems bored no matter what.

She is in a cage thats 4ft x 2.5 ft and its somewhere that is between 1,200-1,500 sq ft but I can't remember exactly off the top of my head. I DIY'ed the cage and had to sell my dresser just to make room for it. She was previously in a 40g breeder, but has been in this new cage since April.

I put her in a ball to roam around the upstairs portion of my house, and I used to let her free roam in my room almost every day or every other day until the last couple months because she has taken to chewing the carpet in a couple corners and in one corner specifically, has chewed through the carpet/subfloor/baseboard and created a sort of hole and has started doing this in other corners of the room as well, since I blocked the first hole. I always place a wheel and some toys, tunnels and such on the floor with her so it acts as a playpen for her, but she hardly seems interested when she's exploring around the room. I also can't let her free roam anywhere else in the house.

In her cage are plenty of chew toys, foods, two wheels, houses, and deep substrate (Kaytee, because she can't stand Carefresh or Aspen bedding and the poor thing sneezes/itches like crazy in those) but she doesn't seem interested much in her toys or chews or even burrowing.

I'm not sure what else to do, and I am certainly frustrated. I'm not sure how to make her happy because I've tried almost everything.
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