Thread: Meet Tootsie
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Old 11-07-2017, 04:49 PM  
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Default Meet Tootsie

Since we lost Lance and Bianca there has been a bit of a Chinese shaped hole here so a few weeks ago we adopted a little Chinese hammy. I haven't said anything about her as she has been a very poorly little lady but I feel she has turned a corner now and though she will never be quite normal she is a lot better than she was. There won't be many pics as we don't want to upset her or anything. She has had a bad respiratory infection as well as a sore eye. We don't think she has any sight in the eye now but are still treating it.
That said she is a real treasure and so very tiny. She is very tolerant and she quite likes a little cuddle and a squeaky scamper on the bed. Little Tootsie has sure stolen our hearts..
Here she is from her good side...she is lovely isn't she

Last edited by souffle; 11-07-2017 at 04:56 PM.
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