Thread: Petunia <3
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Old 11-01-2017, 06:44 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Location: USA, MI
Posts: 36
Default Petunia <3

The earliest my mom would allowed me to get another hamster is November 1. So today, my dad and I went to see my local Pet Supplies Plus store if I would connect with any of their hamsters. Asked if they have any hamsters up for adoption, but they didn't so I look at the ones they do have available. Also they were in the middle of cleaning the cages.
There were only syrians and robos there. A black banded male syrian was climbing up the grate vent, wanting to get. A almost fully black female syrian was screeching because she wasn't happy in the tote as her cage was being clean. Another female syrain that was black and white, with the black heavily mottled on her back. There was even a male syrian with similar markings to Georgia. There were two female and four male robos.
Two of the males were all white and a female with only a spot on her head. Felt a slight connection with the almost white female. My dad tried to convince me to get the other female with more brown coloring(he also like that one). Due to my mom doesn't want me to get an all white one, so I called her and asked if having a spot is ok. She said, "if you like that one, I don't care."

Despite my dad trying to redirect me, I've already fell in love with the little almost all white female robo.
And her name is Petunia <3,
might have to get a smaller wheel as the 8 inch one looks too big....
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