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Old 10-21-2017, 01:32 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 6
Default Re: Hamster pawprint tattoo help?

Thank you guys for all the lovely comments ❤️ The one thing that’s really eating me up, and that I feel terrible about, is that the vet scruffed her to try and see her teeth (her recurring problem that we’d had treated before) and I don’t know whether it was because of the pain or because she was scared, but she squealed really loudly. He tried to cup her in his hands because she was trying to jump, and then when she went back in her travel cage she went into a defensive/shocked position as though she was being attacked. I gently stroked her head a few times to try and calm her down, and then shut her cage so no one could get to her at which point she buried away in her bedding. I just feel terrible and I can’t stop thinking about it. She’s never squealed before and I’ve never scared her, so having seen her like that is breaking my heart because it feels like in the last few minutes, after giving her two years worth of love, I wasn’t able to protect her and she got so terrified I love her with all my heart and I can’t stand to think of her being like that, wondering why I’d put her in this situation. I feel so extremely guilty. Any advice guys?

My beautiful girl whom I miss so incredibly much ❤️

Last edited by Miakat; 10-21-2017 at 01:38 PM.
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