Thread: Picky Hamster
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Old 08-26-2017, 01:46 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 15
Default Picky Hamster

Hi everyone,

So I have a very stubborn Syrian hamster.... He use to be on the Kaytee seed mix with oxbow pellets until I learned how poor the Kaytee brand is in general... We did a gradual switch to hazel hamster with oxbow pellets but he stopped eating. While he was on the Kaytee mix he would sit in his bowl and eat it all but on the hazel hamster his food looks untouched and I never see him eat... I am guessing the Kaytee brand was higher in sugar and fatty seeds and now he is just pouting about it. I just changed out the oxbow pellets for mazuri mouse and rat pellets and he loves them! But he still won't touch the the hazel hamster..... I do give him fresh veggies and meal worms as regular treats. Should I switch brands again or wait it out? There are not a lot of great hamster foods in the US. Thank you!
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