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Old 08-17-2017, 04:01 AM  
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Default Re: My new Robo is nowhere to be seen!

When I first got Hector, I put him in smaller tank to help get him tame, which I think helped. After a few weeks I upgraded him and unfortunately, he didn't settle in and was much as you describe - a day or two of scurrying around and then reclusive. But I gave him 3 weeks before I put him back in the smaller tank, as I feel it can take that sort of time to tell how they're doing. For Hector, where he's spent his time in the small tank in the adoption area, larger spaces were too overwhelming. So a week is still very early days. You just need to be patient - which is always the hardest part when you bring a new furry friend home! Give it a few more weeks and your little robo will tell you how he feels. Plenty of tubes and cover help a lot so it doesn't feel too vast in there. If he feels safe in his house, I'm sure he'll get to a point where he feels brave enough to come out and make friends.
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