Thread: Boris & Pasha
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Old 08-13-2017, 07:43 AM  
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Default Re: Boris & Pasha

Awww thank you so much dreamtree, cypher and Lizzy My boys bring such a huge smile to my face

Time for a little update on Boris. I never know what to say about Boris because he is always up to a 1000 things. He keeps me busier than the rest of the boys put together (and that includes hamdad )

As you probably all know by now, Boris likes lots of attention espcecially when someone else is getting attention. He looses interest in everything very quickly and it gets quite challenging trying to find new ways to amuse him. He has his cage, his ranch, the big savic plaza cage he likes to play in along with strolls round the house (sitting in my hands), seats at the back door on my knee, floor time in the hall. He even has his own seat for watching the tv lol.

Anyway I decided to make him his own beach resort. It wasn't very big but he seemed to enjoy foraging around for the seeds in the sand then sitting eating them beside his beach huts while he chatted with his pet walnut. It is now in his ranch and he likes spending some time in there each day.

Wow my own beach resort

Hmmm, these beach huts are smaller than me!

Come on Walnut, lets go over here.

Such lovely clean sand with no shopping trolleys or crisp packets lying around

Granny Boris. This was inspired by Rads. When I put the bottom right pic from the collage on instagram, Rads thought it looked like a grumpy parent waiting for his kids to hurry up. I couldn't resist having a bit fun with it

Bossed around by Artie, Spartacus, Snapdragon, Feliks, Veikko & Delphia.
Boris, Pasha, Jaska & Max playing at the rainbow bridge, forever loved.
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