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Old 08-08-2017, 04:14 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: England
Posts: 69
Default Whats the difference between death and ... something else?

I've been thinking a lot about when Jeliza Died.

I had found her in her nest after not seeing her out and about for a couple of days,
She was pretty old, 2.5 and she had been showing signs of aging for a good 6 months, hair thinning, slowing down, body thinning ect.

But when i found her in her nest the first indication something was wrong was that she didn't come nosing about when I was moving all the bedding to get to her,
Then I found her still curled up in her nest.
Took the nest out and held her but she was stiff in her curled up ball.

Straight away I was crying that she was dead and I flt so bad because I loved her obviously.

But when I buried her in the back of my mind I was thinking....
'What if she's not actually dead and ive just buried her alive or while she is hibernating? '

Obviously I try not to think like that, she was stiff.

But it still nags at me

How do you tell if they've died or if they are just hibernating or something else??
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