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Old 07-31-2017, 02:55 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 14
Default Hamster beginner, taming advice needed

Just wanted to check if I'm taking the right approach with trying to tame our first hamster. He's a male Syrian about 9 weeks old (according to the pet shop). When we brought him home we left him alone in his cage the first 3 days. The third day I put my hand in the cage, near him, with a treat and he bit me o_O I've since read that he might have confused me with the food?!
Since then he's developed a routine where he's active in mid-morning, drinking water and collecting food, then sleeps all day then comes out again at night and uses his wheel. Whenever I can I put my hand (without food!) in the cage when he's active. He doesn't try to bite me but tends to avoid my hand if it's placed in his path, even climbing the bars to avoid it. I've been putting tissues with my scent on it in the cage. I can stroke him a little but he occasionally startles when I do it. I haven't tried picking him up.

I've had him just over a week now, he seems healthy and settled. I just want to know the best approach to start picking him up. I don't want to scare him and set back the taming. On the other hand my kids were expecting cuddles by now! Am I doing it right, I feel maybe I'm going too slow and should just scoop him up? Don't fancy getting bitten again though!
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