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Old 07-12-2017, 11:02 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 120
Default Re: Homemade Hamster Mix

Yes I did. It appears it is safe as a normal part of the diet, but obviously, like anything else, you don't want to eat too much. (Even so an overdose is usually not deadly.) I imagine a hamster would probably get sick of them before eating too much.

Otherwise, what I'm reading is all health benefits. I researched so I understood better how it works in the body, rather than just taking any one website's word on anything. The warning for it lowering blood sugar was for people who regularly have low blood sugar. Most resources also say that there's not enough evidence for a lot of the claims made about it, but generally the good seems to very much outweigh the bad for this item.

I also found several other seeds which have the same effect, like chia, flax, and coriander.
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