Thread: Profile text
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Old 08-09-2006, 02:31 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 242
Default Profile text

Everytime I try to write up new text for my profile, it cuts it off!

Here is what I wanted to write in my profile: "Hi, I have had hammies for a few months now, and I got my first hammie around Easter time. My hamster Carmelo is such a sweetie! He's a male, rusty syrian and he is spoiled. I <3 him to death and he is my pride and joy! I got him around Easter because I wanted a hammie for Easter and so we bought all the supplies and got him! I didn't need to tame him and he has a wonderful hamminality! He's active, sweet, happy, and lovable too!

Carmelo and posing is VERY rare!! hehe he never stays still for the camera or for anybody LOL!! He has his moments when he'll stay still, but he's a hyper jellybean!!

Well, have a hammilicious day! hehe"

This is what was posted in my profile:"Hi, I have had hammies for a few months now, and I got my first hammie around Easter time. My hamster Carmelo is such a sweetie! He's a male, rusty syrian and he is spoiled. I"

Is this a glitch or is it only me?

Hammies are love ♥
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