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Old 06-29-2017, 01:04 PM  
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Default Re: Quigley: Show Ham?

He is still very young so it is tricky to tell. Breeders can't keep every decent individual and often send pups to homes where they are pets.
From a judges view and just from the pics ( you can tell much more from the feel of the hamster etc - I can see he is moulting out his baby coat (normal at this age) He has a moult line and the front half is his adult colour.
Long haired Goldens tend to look dull I have found due to the undercolour showing through and the ticking is not obvious on long haired goldens.
His head looks OK with nice dark ears but he currently lacks ticking and the swarthy eye rings even on the head. He has a nice even skirt and it looks to go all round which is always a bonus on a long haired male.
You always take the best hamster home though regardless if you win anything or not.
I would always advise a newcomer to try the pets class first and see what happens at a show and enjoy entering pets. They you can decide if you want to try showing and how he settles on an actual outing like this.
You would enter him in LH AOC male I think plus you could duplicate in Young stock, Novice and grand challenge plus any others you are eligible for.
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