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Old 06-23-2017, 11:56 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Singapore
Posts: 69
Default Re: Vitacraft Vitasmart

I've asked a similar question about dwarf hamster food! I have a hybrid but I think a lot of hamsters are quite prone to diabetes. I've been using Vitakraft too and I was recommended Burgess Dwarf Mix. You can look up some reviews of it online and see for yourself! I've been told Vitakraft food is ok but not the best you can get. For dwarfs you could use Hazel/ Harry hamster food but you'd have to crush them into smaller pieces. I'm not exactly sure about Higgins or Sunburst tho as I don't have those in my country. If you're unsure you could always try feeding your hamster your own combination of food. Just watch out for things like carrots as they have sugar in them. You can check out ErinsAnimals on YouTube she has a video linking to a website that states food that your hamster can and cannot eat. Hope you find this information useful!
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