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Old 06-21-2017, 02:13 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 24
Default Maybe mites? Idk help

Have I asked for help on this hamster before?
No - This is the first time I am asking for help on this hamster.

Here is information about my hamster -
Age:wasn't told I got her on my birthday the 22nd of may

These are the details of my hamster's ailment - itching, general jumpyness
When did it start:roughly two weeks after I got her she itched more than usual and I feel worried

Description of Ailment:
[Please provide photos if possible]
I don't see any physical problems really I mean I noticed her itching more that's it really I've looked all around her and I don't see any physical changes to her apart from that she's eating normal drinking normal she is VERY jumpy lately but that might be due to the new cage I got her and the sudden hot weather that usually doesn't happen in Ireland so I dunno I feel like mites are possible but I could be just being overprotective idk I've been putting frozen bottles in her cage and putting her water bottle in the freezer to chill before she wakes up and giving her chilled fruit every two days to help a bit.

Hope these pics help a bit? If the image hosting site works here idk

Any specific physical changes:
[For example, sudden weight loss, localized weight gain] nothing that I've noticed I feel like I'm over worrying but I really fear for her all the time but its probably my own anxiety getting to me I just don't want her to die if I'm a bad owner and fail to notice any problems quick enough hopefully the image sharing site works D;
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