Thread: Newt's thread
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:25 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Newt's thread

Thank you April and CB. Hamsters do come in all sizes! Newtie's weight gain was less over the last week so maybe it is slowing down now. Yes CB I still think of Charlie often. His flowerbed is looking very lush at the moment (a bit too lush!) The Geranium came out and a primrose. There is also a lot of greenery and I need to wait a bit to decide whether it is a weed or a wildflower I planted. I will take a photo of it when I get chance.

I did try to get Newtie out an hour earlier last night as 10.30pm wake up is a bit late for me to give him enough out of cage time. But being a hamster he was quite contrary and went straight back to bed and refused to come out lol - meaning he got up even later than usual last night at about 11.30pm! I was just about to give up when he wanted to come out. I can see who is in charge here lol. I may have to start waking him early evening for out of cage time.
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