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Old 05-30-2017, 05:57 PM  
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Default Soon HC peeps, soon.

I am just popping in tonight to let you know that the end is in sight. I am moving into my little house on June 10th. I am beyond tired and my current abode is filled with packed boxes. Yoda isn't sure what to make of all this. He's one confused Chihuahua. But he is incredibly happy as each of my friends pop in to help pack and stack boxes. He thinks they are there to see him.

Almond, of course, isn't aware of anything since he's not really being disturbed. I will say he seems to be getting friendlier as he ages. He pops out as soon as he hears me by his cage and likes being petted while he munches treats. He's still so pretty.

Once I get settled in I will be back on HC regularly. I miss you all.
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