Thread: Cat food
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Old 05-27-2017, 01:15 PM  
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Default Re: Cat food

Originally Posted by AprilPearl View Post
Neither Mushu, or the cats enjoyed the kittens applaws as much as the adult version. I think they prefer the adult applaws, because it contains larger chunks of chicken. All the chicken is minced almost into pate in the kitten version.

This is the applaws multipack that I bought before. The only problem with it is that only 2 of the 5 packs it contains are just chicken flavour. One is chicken & lamb, the remaining 2 are chicken & duck. I did not know whether the chicken & lamb or chicken & duck were safe to feed, so I could only give Mushu 2 of the 5 packs (obviously he only got a tiny bit - not a whole pack! My cats ate most of it - bar half a teaspoon). Would appreciate some advice on this.
I think that the chicken with duck is probably a better bet than the lamb.

My understanding is that whilst lamb won't do hamsters any harm in small quantities, it's not really an ideal food for them and probably shouldn't be purchased with feeding them in mind.
Remembering The Metallica Hamsters
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