Thread: Newt's thread
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Old 05-27-2017, 08:26 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Newt's thread

Well Newtie is a real tunneler and digger! This morning I noticed his rainbow bridge toppled over a bit and a big pile of Fitch under it. I wondered if he had decided to nest under there now, so investigated and moved the rainbow bridge and found this tunnel. Not sure where it goes lol. I then peeked in his house to see if he was actually in there and there is another tunnel hole in the corner of his house. That one won't go anywhere because the house is sitting on the base of the cage and half full of Fitch. He is sleeping in there, burrowed down as he moved a bit when I moved a bit of Fitch. He has also made a tunnel beyond the bendy bridge entrance, which he piled Fitch over and then burrows out of. Still not quite sure why he tunneled under the rainbow bridge (which is his ramp out of the door). Maybe he was looking for a way out lol.

Here's the rainbow bridge looking a bit toppled

Here's the tunnel underneath it

And this is the tunnel that leads under the bendy bridge entrance to his house, where his head pops out of in the evening.

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