Thread: All About Anya!
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Old 05-21-2017, 11:19 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: All About Anya!

I tried just giving Anya a new water bottle, and she drank from it just fine, but also kind of attacked it, trying to pull on the metal part, and so I gave her bowl back, and she drank and drank. I left the water bottle in there to make sure she doesn't run out of water, but she obviously prefers the bowl, which is fine.

I am a little worried about her, but I don't know if I'm just being a worried new hamster mum, or what, but I'm considering taking her to see a vet this week. She is still making the weird sound, and after she dug a burrow and tried for a long time to dig through the bottom of the tank, sort of standing on her head, she emerged and seemed like her breathing was a bit labored. I don't know if it was just exertion or what. I have had her for a week, and her behavior hasn't really changed or worsened, so maybe she's fine, but I might just call and ask the vet what they think anyway. I did wonder if she could be having a reaction to her bedding? I have aspen as a base layer at the bottom of the cage, and then a thick layer of the Kaytee paper bedding (can't remember the specific name) on top, and a tiny bit of Carefresh, because that's what she had in the first cage I brought her home in. None of my other hamsters have had any problems, but who knows. She's so young and seems so tiny to me, for a Syrian anyway.

Here is a cute picture of her from this evening. On my Instagram (linked below), I have video of her eating her blueberry.

ETA: It's hard to tell from the perspective of this photo, but to give you a sense of her size, she can fit in the hole at the bottom of her water bottle stand! I watched her crawl in and turn around and come back out. I was shocked.

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