Thread: Baileys eyes
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Old 05-21-2017, 03:10 AM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Baileys eyes

Hi I was wondering if someone could please give me some advise, Bailey my Syrian who is a 20 months old eyes are shut tight.

These past couple of days Baileys habits have changed, he came out on Thursday night for his usual playtime but didn't have as long as usual before wanting to go back. Friday he was eating and drinking as usual but didn't want his playtime which is fine as he does'nt always want to come out. Yesterday , however when it got to early evening I noticed he had not come out for a drink and some food, like he usually does, and when I checked on him he was fast asleep. Later on in the evening I got really concerned and checked him again and I noticed one of his eyes was shut tight, I gave him some cucumber and he ate it ok, so at least he is eating. I have checked him this morning and again his food bowl and water bottle is untouched and his potty corner in his sand has not been used. Both his eyes a shut tight which is concerning me, he has taken some food out of my hand, banana and Cucumber and when I placed his water bottle up to his mouth he drank a little water.

I am really worried about I is eyes with them being shut and too me at least one look a little gloopy, I was wondering is there something we can do or is a best to get a vet to look at it, which will stress the little guy out.

Thank You
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