Thread: My sweetie
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Old 05-19-2017, 10:01 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 43
Default Re: My sweetie

Hey guys, another update. Yesterday, when I was checking her, I noticed that this thing beside her ear was gone and her ear was a bit red. And I was really confused. What is going on!! I guess they were right and it wouldn't make sense to operate on her again before. I was actually checking, if she might have somehow tore the thing off or bit it away, but there was no wound, blood. Really weird. Today her ear was a little bit less red as well.

Luckily, they called me from the vet's office and told me, that what they cut the first time is definitely not a tumor and that bacteria are to blame. I asked if there is something I can do, perhaps change something in her environment/food etc. They told me not to worry, that this things just happen with hamsters. And if she gets another growth, I should stop by and they will take care of it again.

Oh and they gave me medicine for her, that should help, Stronghold Selamectinum, which is I guess against lice, fleas. But I only heard of it being used on cats&dogs. I'm supposed to give her one drop now and another drop in a week and a half. I had to weigh her first for them to figure out the right amount. I have to put the drop behind her head, so that she won't be able to lick it off. I'm plucking up courage to do it this evening. I did it with dogs, but they are bigger, less wiggly and have a broader, well defined neck

I'm a bit confused, I guess there is no medicine to help hamsters fight the bacteria?

I was thinking, should I get rid of wood in her cage? She has a wooden house (with no bottom) and a platform/ramp with a tunnel. I don't think she pees on them, they don't smell bad, but they might be a source of something nasty, since I can't change them like the substrate. I can't really wash it either, I usually just scrub it with a brush. I don't know. She really likes the platform/ramp, and I haven't found anything similar to it in Switzerland. She came out two times today during the day, which hasn't happened in a week, so I think that this is a good sign.

I would appreciate any thoughts, advise, criticism.
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