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Old 05-15-2017, 06:44 PM  
The Hamtologist
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Default Re: Taming My Hamster

You can restart the taming process at any time you'd like! Hamsters don't hold grudges (luckily for us) so he won't hold it against you for waking him up. Remember to start slow, start by leaving tissues up your sleeves for at least 30 minutes and then place them all about his cage. This allows him to become used to your scent as he uses it for nesting material. You should also spend time around him, talking softly and offering treats. He will then begin to associate your presence with good things. For exercise, let him out into an empty bathtub and sit in it with him. This allows him to get used to crawling on a human (and you to get used to a rodent crawling on you!). After you've done all this, and he seems confident, you can move on to handling. Start slow, just stroking him gently or lifting him when transporting him are all good ways to introduce handling. Make sure when first beginning to lift him, you only lift a few inches at a time, and reward him for sitting still. Then, slowly increase the amount of time he must sit in order to receive a treat. After he's relatively confident enough to stay in your hands, allowing him to "treadmill" from hand to hand can help him learn to enjoy handling a bit more. Good luck with taming, and if you have any other questions, please ask
Syrian hamster care guide
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