Thread: P @ H hamsters
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Old 05-12-2017, 05:59 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: P @ H hamsters

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I've never really had issues with my hamsters from Pets at Home. They have all been tame-able (even my skittish robos and cage-aggressive hybrids, whether they were adopted or not), and other than one of my female hybrids who died due to post-surgery complications, they only ever started having issues when they were 'old'. My last Syrian lived until he was over 30 months, for instance, and he went from screaming baby to the neediest hamsters I've ever had (little buttfluff begged for cuddles).

So...other than knowing where they originally came from, I don't really have any issue with getting my pets from P@H, or at least from my one.

Plus I'm rather fussy about my hamsters (only long-haired males of a lighter colour e.g. cream, cinnamon, or similar) and as far as I'm aware, none of the breeders relatively close to me breed for that appearance.
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