Thread: P @ H hamsters
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Old 05-10-2017, 06:04 PM  
The Hamtologist
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Default Re: P @ H hamsters

It's tough to say whether this a problem with P@H, the mill they come from, or the care within the individual store (or perhaps even a mix of all three!). Obviously, it's best to rescue a hamster or adopt from an ethical breeder as both go towards the betterment of the hamster species as a whole, but there's no reason to feel bad over purchasing a pet shop ham. Pet shops should be a last resort in my opinion, but again, this is just my opinion and isn't fact or what should or shouldn't be done. I personally enjoy rescuing my hamsters as I feel there's just a special connection there knowing your hamster was saved by you. With rescues and shops, it's hit and miss to be honest. Sometimes you'll get a super docile and healthy hamster, while other times you'll get an aggressive or sickly one. You're really flipping a coin in all honesty. The only way to guarantee a healthy hamster, is to find an ethical breeder who has tracks their lines, has high quality pairs, and an intense love for the animals. Even getting from the best breeder though does not guarantee your hamster will be 100% healthy or tame. It's all down to environmental factors, genetics, and the bond you make with them
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