Thread: Meet Emoji!
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Old 05-05-2017, 09:13 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Meet Emoji!

I went into "Emoji's Room" (he's in a spare room that I actually use as my closet, because I don't want the other pets to be able to access him, plus it's a lot quieter, etc.) tonight to check on him, and I see signs of him having at least stepped on his wheel (haven't ever seen him use one yet though), and signs of more burrows and food eaten. I am trying to give him space, but also, of course, want to just check up. Well, he started moving around in his burrow, so I sat down to wait and see if he would come out. After an 45 minutes, he did, but as soon as he saw me, he dove back in to hide. I feel bad that he is so scared! I'm fine giving him space, I just wish I knew how to make him feel more comfortable. I guess he just needs time. I'm just so used to very hands on pets like my dogs and cats, that I feel like I'm neglecting him! It's an adjustment for me as well.

I'm also wishing I knew how old he is. When I got him (from PetCo, the only place around to get hamsters besides PetSmart or a Petland that I refuse to go to because it's so awful), they said they didn't know how old he was. He was in a cage by himself, but I don't know if that necessarily means anything.

Anyway, that's today's Emoji update.
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