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Old 05-02-2017, 06:40 AM  
souffle's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
Posts: 28,207
Default Hamster of the Month - June 2017 POLL NOW ADDED

This month's theme has been chosen by member Little Luna's mum winner of last month's competition.

The theme is for a picture of HAMSTER HELPERS
This is a picture of a hamster 'helping' with household tasks or posed with props related to household tasks eg a brush etc. PLEASE ENSURE THERE IS NO DANGER TO YOUR HAMSTER IN ANY PROPS YOU USE

Please do not post any comments about the picture. Please post THE HAMSTERS NAME ONLY. Any extra comments will be removed.
Photos that have been slightly colour altered are acceptable eg Black and white or toned.

The theme is for a picture of HAMSTER HELPERS

Please do not post any comments about the picture. Please post THE HAMSTERS NAME ONLY. Any extra comments will be removed.

It's a new month so we have to choose the 'Hamster of the Month' for next month. The winning hamster will appear on the front page of the forum so when someone comes on to the forum they will see the picture.
PLEASE TRY AND RESIZE PHOTOS AS SOME ARE HUGE AND ARE STRETCHING THE FORUM. 600 pixels wide is a good standard size for the forum. Please try and do this as the huge pics are pixellated and do not do your entry justice. I do not have time to resize them all I'm afraid. You can resize them on photobucket.

1. This competition is for the JUNE Hamster of the month. We would like a picture this month of ' HAMSTER HELPERS '

2. You may enter once only with 1 picture.

3. The picture should be clear and as charming as possible

4. The picture must be of a hamster of any species and it must belong to you or your family. It may be with you now or have passed to the bridge.

5. Closing date for entries is 24TH MAY 2017 at midnight GMT.

6. The voting will be posted and the new pic will be displayed in JUNE. Each member will have two votes if there are more than 10 entries and 1 vote if there are 10 or less. The poll may be public as chosen at random.

7. Please try and post a new photograph that you have not entered in a previous competition.

8. It must be pictures of hamsters 'HAMSTER HELPERS. If you post a picture that is not themed you will be asked to replace it with one that is. If you do not do this is will NOT be included in the competition.

9. Please do not post any comments on the thread until AFTER the poll has closed. PM me with questions. Comments will be removed.

10. The winner of the competition who chooses the theme for the next month is not allowed to enter the competition they chose the theme for. They may enter any thereafter.

PM me with any queries. If you cannot post pics then e mail me the pic and I will post it on your behalf.
If you decide to withdraw an entry please let me know
If your picture is not there when the poll is posted I will PM you to ask if there is a problem but there is only a limited time that the Poll posting can be held for so please respond as soon as possible thanks.

Pictures that are too large or too small do not do your entry justice and people may just skim over it. PLEASE RESIZE

Looking forward to seeing your entries

Last edited by souffle; 05-25-2017 at 04:27 AM. Reason: Clarify rules
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