Thread: Taming tips?
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Old 04-29-2017, 10:17 AM  
Hamster Hugger
Join Date: Apr 2017
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Default Re: Taming tips?

You should really leave him alone in his cage for a few days after getting him before trying to handle him or touch him at all as that will stress him out.

At first, you can try sitting by his cage and talking to him so that he gets used to your voice and scent.

After that, you can try getting him to take treats from you. When he will do that, you can put a few in the palm of your hand and wait to see if he will come to you.

If you have a playpen or playbox, you can put him in there while you get used to each ither. Never for more than 10-15mind at a time at first. Let him run over your hands to become accustomed to you. Put a cup on its side onto the ground. When he climbs into it, hold it slightly above the ground and make a bridge down with your hand to the floor. That will help he get used to being in you.

You may have already heard of the tissue trick. Put some unscented toilet paper into your sleeves for a few hours and put it into his cage to get him used to your scent.

The key thing is to go at his pace. Take your queues from him. If he is shivering, chattering his teeth, biting, running away, playing dead etc - obviously, back away and try again later.

By the way, does your little guy gave a name yet?
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