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Old 04-21-2017, 11:08 AM  
candice clews
Hamster Overlord
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: staffordshire,england
Posts: 642
Unhappy worried about squeak :(

Hi, im really worried about my squeak he is a dwarf hamster and is around 18 months old (i rescued him). A few days ago, when he got up i noticed that his fur was grey rather than brown. Straight away i thought he's ageing. :/ this morning i noticed that he seems to have no fur left on his belly or chest and a few pieces of poo were stuck to him i removed this as best as i could but it quickly got stuck again. Reminded me exactly the same way how my harry was before he passed away Today he has also been acting really hyper! He literally without exaggerating hasn't slept for 2 minutes all day... he has been constantly eating and running round his cage crazy.... is this something to worry about?? Definitely doesnt seem normal with everything else going on. Everything seems to be becoming reality and im now shaking inside, thinking mine and squeaks time is coming to an end very soon Am i correct in thinking this ;(
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