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Old 04-18-2017, 08:13 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Default Re: Sensitive Stomach AND a Picky Eater

Ordering food online is definitely a good idea.You're most certainly right about the current diet not being good,but diet change isn't necessarily a bad thing for sensitive stomachs.Between sourcing probiotics of high quality(no animal digest or dyes and such,stick to plain probiotics with nothing added like silica dioxide or the other mentioned things or BHA/BHT/ethoxyquin),feeding an appropriate diet(not the current one),and probably plain pureed pumpkin as well(old fashioned remedy to help with diarrhea or even just soft stools mostly known in the dog community,sort of absorbs the moisture due to fiber content without causing constipation,you can mix the probiotics with this).

Personally,my current diet is one that I'd recommend.It's very simple,doesn't require a scale(the big problem with a Higgins Sunburst/Mazuri mix although good quality),and is actually a very affordable diet as well.1 tablespoon Carefresh hamster/gerbil food,1/2 tablespoon(7.5 ml I believe)Higgins Sunburst,a pinch of flax seed,and a few pieces of freeze dried chicken is what I feed either daily or every other day.The Carefresh/Higgins combination on its own is just barely too low in protein to be completely suitable,so the two extras add enough protein(and other health benefits).It's much better than your current diet though,completely safe and species appropriate!

On the note of ordering things online,you don't necessarily need to use a credit or debit card.Paypal can be your best friend,always remember that,and it's much safer to use!
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